'This will be a hard sell': Affordable apartment developer hits roadblocks in western Edina

A proposal to build more than 80 affordable apartments on the western edge of Edina is drawing scrutiny and opposition from a neighborhood unaccust...

June 2, 2023
3:26 AM

A proposal to build more than 80 affordable apartments on the western edge of Edina is drawing scrutiny and opposition from a neighborhood unaccustomed to either apartments or affordable housing. Minneapolis developer Solhem Companies is proposing a five-story apartment building on Lincoln Drive, next to Hwy. 169. Two years ago, Solhem had proposed a larger, market-rate building on the same site. Infrastructure costs proved prohibitive, so the company went back to the drawing board and is now pursuing an affordable housing development because grants could help pay for some of that infrastructure.

Josie Albertson-Grove